Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Subjection of Women – John Stuart Mill

I believe that this passage is one of many that has a big influence or should have an influence on the rights of women. “The legal subordination of one sex to the other is wrong in itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human improvement; and that it ought to be replaced by a principle of perfect equality” (521). I could not have said it better myself. One problem of the past was that men were always right and women were only second. Never was a women praised for what she did; it was always given to a man affiliated with that woman. The legal subordination of one sex to the other only hinders the growth of the human race and it did for so long.


  1. Joe,

    In this very short post you sketch out a discussion of Mill's radical essay, but you do not develop it in any detail, or explore it in sufficient depth. I imagine the looming deadline accounts for the brevity of your discussion, but it does not excuse it.

  2. I choose to wright my essay on this piece and when doing so one of the major trends that stood out to me as well was that in the event that a woman actually received praise it was never as an individual it was always attributed to her being with a man.
