Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Kraken – Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The Kraken is a giant mythical sea monster which roams the sea and supposedly destroys ships. However the Kraken that Lord Tennyson describes is one that stays dormant in the abyss and stays there. He sleeps where the “faintest sunlights flee” (586) and where “Huge sponges of millennial growth and height” (586). What I see Lord Tennyson is doing is describing a mythical being that sleeps in the deep and stays there. But later it gets disturbed from the fire of Judgement Day, which heats the deep. The Kraken rises to be seen again by humans and angels and dies after.

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    Very brief and descriptive post, rather than detailed and analytical. The phrases you quote lack any discussion, and the end is mere plot summary. This approach does not make for a successful post.
